The New Camino

On the last weekend in September, a group of nine parishioners from All Saints’ traveled to Greensboro to attend the first seminar in the Diocese of North Carolina of the New Camino: A vision for the Latino/Hispanic Ministries. The seminar challenged “the pre-conceived and incorrect notions, held by many, that Latinos are a homogenous community which is largely Spanish-speaking and of immigrant status.”  We came away from the two-day workshop educated, challenged, and excited! 

As we are “Set Free to Grow,” we look forward to see how this ministry will support our mission for growth. Our group met after the seminar and decided that we want to be a part of the Episcopal Church’s mission “to reach the traditional Spanish-speaking, immigrant, and first generation Latinos as well as the increasingly English-dominant and acculturated Hispanic/Latino population of 2nd, 3rd, and later generations.”

Our first steps will be to pray about this ministry and continue to research and learn about our Latino neighbors in Cabarrus County.  In the near future we will have opportunities for all of us, members of All Saints’, to hear about how this parish can possibly move forward to make this a reality. 

The New Camino team invites you to join us in prayer and learn more about this exciting opportunity. Please contact Karen Robinson at [email protected] for more information.