Gratitude for our clergy

I am grateful that while our rector of fourteen years, The Reverend Nancy Cox, is away on a much-deserved sabbatical, we are blessed with clergy who are familiar faces to our congregation to conduct our Sunday worship. As Senior Warden I am increasingly aware this year of how they help hold us together with pastoral duties far beyond Sunday services.

The Reverend Dr. Jim Bernacki joined the All Saints’ staff as Priest Associate in the summer of 2019. A native of the Buffalo, New York area (and I understand a Buffalo Bills fan), he graduated from Canisius College with a B.A. in Philosophy. He also attended SUNY at Buffalo, where he received an Ed.M. in Secondary Math Education. Having received his Permanent Certification from the State of New York, he has taught math on a primary, secondary, and college level.

Jim received an M.Div. in Theology from Christ the King Seminary in East Aurora, NY, and a D.Min. in Anglican Studies from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary. Ordained to the priesthood in 1979, he had served in Roman Catholic parishes in the Buffalo area until he was received into the Episcopal Church in 1988, when he married his wife Sandy and later served congregations in New York, Ohio, and West Virginia. He most recently served as Rector for Christ Episcopal Church in Albemarle, NC, for over 15 years until he retired in 2018.

At All Saints’, Jim coordinates a team of members who lead Compline (Night Prayer) every Tuesday at 8 p.m. online. He also leads or preaches at Sunday and weekday services on occasion and does pastoral care and visitation along with the other clergy on the team. He recently has been recruiting and training Eucharistic Visitors to bring Holy Communion to members of our congregation unable to attend our services.

Jim and his wife Sandy are proud to be the parents of Rachelle (and parents-in-law of Denny) Casto and grandparents of Riley Elizabeth and Jacob Casto. Jim and Sandy are also the proud parents of their son Matthew, who died suddenly at the age of twenty-seven. Sandy and Jim recently moved to Concord, where Sandy enjoys her job as receptionist/secretary at Coltrane LIFE Center (Adult Day Care). Jim’s hobbies include light reading, walking, watching movies, listening to different kinds of music, and spending time with his wife and family.

Jim is also a “ham” (amateur) radio operator, who communicates with other “hams” via the airwaves and helps out as a checkpoint at various races and parades.

If you have never had the opportunity to enjoy Jim’s humor, you have missed something.

The Reverend Mary Reese was raised in Brooklyn, NY with her sister, the late Rose Marie Whitley Holley. Mary graduated from Wingate High School (1962). She holds a degree in Nutrition and Home Economics Education, Cornell University (1967), and a Masters in Nutrition and Food Science, Syracuse University (1969). She holds a Master of Divinity, Virginia Theological Seminary (2008). 

Mary married David Rogers in 1969, and moved to David’s homeland, Sierra Leone, West Africa. They became the parents of four children, David, Jr., Kaaryn, Moses, and Jonathan. She taught in secondary schools and was later a lecturer at Njala University College. Mary and the children returned to the United States in 1983, and settled in Goldsboro, NC. In 1999 Mary married Alexander Reese, Jr. and became stepmother of Jerrie, and Alexander, III.  Alex passed in 2010.

In Goldsboro, NC,  Mary served as a registered dietician at O’Berry Center; the Director of Nutritional Services and later, the Deputy Director of Support Services at Cherry Hospital; and as a clinical dietician consultant at Skilled Creations. She is a past president of the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Managers and a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.

Mary was ordained a deacon in 2008 and a priest in 2009. She served St. Andrew’s, Goldsboro from 2010 until her retirement in 2018. 

Mary moved to Concord, in 2021 and has since joined us a Priest Associate. She has eleven grandchildren, and two great-grands, and is looking forward to welcoming a new granddaughter later this year.

I have had an opportunity to meet two of her sons of whom she is justly proud.

Mary enjoys traveling. Her travels have taken her to Denmark, and, to Turkey where, among other things, she saw a shepherd with his small flock and walked where the Apostle Paul had walked.

Take a moment to talk with Mary. I have seldom had such an experience of gentle warmth.

The Reverend Vern Cahoon graduated from the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth with the highest distinction, in June 1979, receiving his major in Political Science and minor in Education. He attended Northeastern University School of Law in Boston 1983–1986 graduating in 1986 with a J.D. and passing the North Carolina Bar in 1986. He has been in-house counsel for the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee for the Middle District of North Carolina (Federal Court District). 

Vern was ordained as a Deacon in the Episcopal Church in June 2010. His diaconal ministry has been focused on providing pastoral care to nursing home residents and residents of assisted living facilities. He has been married to his wife Lori since February 1987. They have four children and two grandchildren, Avery and Liam who live in New York, children of their son Michael. Their daughter, Amber, is expecting their third grandchild in October.

I often assist Vern at the altar on Sundays preparing the Eucharist. His warm and gentle nature calms me and other chalice bearers and acolytes. Knowing Vern, you have to wonder where all those lawyer jokes come from. I am amazed at how he can manage his “day job” and contribute what he does to All Saints’ and the greater community.

If you have time during weekdays, accompany Vern on his visits to nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

We truly have been blessed that three wonderful people have decided to associate themselves with our parish. Over the years I have had the pleasure of knowing the Reverend Jackie Whitfield, and the late Reverends Roger Butler, Robert Blackburn, and Parker Marks. Each brought unique gifts and talents.

Again, we have been blessed and I am grateful.

Martin Ericson, Senior Warden