We rejoice in all those who come to All Saints’. If you would like to make All Saints’ your church home, please be in touch with our Parish Administrator.
A member of the parish is:
- a baptized Christian
- a person regular in attendance
- a person who gives regularly through a recorded pledge or gift
A communicant is:
- a member of the Parish
- a confirmed Episcopalian whose letter of transfer is at All Saints’.
How do I become an Episcopalian?
Through Baptism
The Episcopal Church considers that anyone who has been baptized with water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in any Church or denomination, is welcomed as a baptized member of the Episcopal Church. Children as well as adults may be baptized.
Through Transfer
Those who have already been baptized and/or confirmed in another Episcopal Church may become members by transferring membership to All Saints’.
Through Confirmation
Adult baptized members become confirmed members through the Sacrament of Confirmation. Sixteen is usually considered the earliest age for Confirmation, which involves prayers and the laying on of hands by an Episcopal Bishop.
Through being Received
Those who have been confirmed in another denomination may become a confirmed communicant of the Episcopal Church by Reception.