All Saints’ Arboretum of Native Trees
A Creation Care Ministry
Goal To create an arboretum of native trees (dedicated to people we love) that will serve to educate our community about planting the right tree in the right space.
Why? Care and justice for all creation is a core value of The Episcopal Church. Learning to identify, value, and plant the right tree in the right space is something we can do to preserve “this fragile earth, our island home” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 370).
What is a native tree? “… a species is native to the Southeast if it was growing in the region before European settlement.” (Native Trees of the Southeast, 2014; Larry Mellichamp, Ph.D.)
Why are native trees better?

- Natives provide food for birds and insects
- Natives are less likely to grow uncontrollably
- Natives are better adapted to our warm southern climate
Strategy Existing trees will be labelled and include QR codes which, using a smart phone, links to educational content about the tree and information about the person being honored or remembered.
Additional Information
- At this time, we are dedicating existing native trees that are well-established and do not require additional maintenance.
- A donation of $150 to the Gardens of All Saints’ is required to order the plaque.
- To select your tree and learn how to make your dedication, or for more information on this ministry, please contact Mark Robinson or Shelley Williams.
Memorials, Celebrations and Honorariums
Names below are clickable, taking you to information about the tree and the person being memorialized or honored.
Burkett, Robert, Frances and Barbara
Corlett, The Reverend Diane Bishop
Cox, The Reverend Nancy. L. J. Cox
Marks, The Reverend William Parker
The Michael John McCarthy Memorial Garden
Robinson, Marjorie Alice and Lavius Arad Robinson, Jr.