The call to serve

Who are the ministers of the church?

The ministers of the church are lay persons, bishops, priests, and deacons.

Book of Common Prayer, pg. 855

God calls each of us to minister to one another and to others by participating in God’s work in the world. Some of our ministry occurs in worship. For lay people, most ministry takes place outside the church as they live and work in the community at large, serving those in need, raising children, and caring for elderly relatives. 

When we come together in worship, we participate in an ancient liturgy that connects us to those who came before and those who will follow after us. Liturgy means work of the people. Our liturgy has an ancient form that is made new each week by those who participate. The consistent gathering with prayer, song, reading and interpretation of scripture, and a common meal is powerful and transformative. 

The “work” of our worship is a gift to God. Through worship we open ourselves to the deep, sometimes dangerous, possibility of being met by Christ. – The Rt. Reverend Frank Griswold, former presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church. 

How is God calling you to serve? 

Each of us offers the work of prayer in our worship. Some people offer additional gifts through their work as members of the: 

  • Welcome Team (greeting people as they come to church, gathering the collection which makes our ministry possible, and helping people take communion)
  • Altar Guild (preparing our worship space each week and cleaning up after we gather)
  • Acolytes (carrying the cross, lighting candles, and assisting with preparation of communion) 
  • Lay Readers (proclaiming the word of God by reading the scriptures of the day)
  • Chalice Bearers (assisting with the distribution of communion by offering the chalice)
  • Intercessors (leading our prayers for the Church, the world, and those in need)
  • Choirs (leading our sung praises and offering God praise through their music)
  • Videographers (managing the cameras and sound for our broadcast on the web)

As we give our gift of worship to God, God touches others through our work. We are shaped by our service. No call is better or higher than another.

You can learn more about these ways to serve by talking with ministry team members or contacting the leaders found by clicking the following button.