News from the Columbarium

More than forty years ago, All Saints’ parishioners had a vision for creating a final resting place for members who had died. Together, they created our columbarium (entry to the right of the staff wing or off the walkway to the Lockhart Child Development Center). Over the years, many people have contributed wisdom and energy to tend this beautiful place for families to visit and reflect. 

Maintaining a safe environment for parishioners and visitors to the columbarium is of paramount importance. This spring, redbud trees that had come to the end of their lifespan (and were causing damage to the columbarium walkway) were removed by All Saints’ volunteers. Replacement of the sidewalk was accelerated to complete prior to the paving of the parking lot. At that time, the steep walkway at the north entry (LCDC entry) was replaced with more manageable steps. New teak benches were acquired and are available for memorial dedication (contact Rebecca Bahn). Proceeds from the benches go to the Columbarium Fund to help offset maintenance and continuing care.

Many of the bushes in the Columbarium have “outlived their time.” Al Benshoff has engaged a landscape architect to help with design and plant selection. Some of the existing plants will be removed and replaced with new low-growing, easy-maintenance shrubbery. The bank of azaleas will need major pruning after they bloom in the spring of 2025. We are also exploring options to enhance the fountain. 

If you are interested in helping with this specific gardening project please contact Jeanne McCarthy or Rebecca Bahn.

Rebecca Bahn, Columbarium Coordinator