Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Opportunities
All Saints’ offers many opportunities for contemplation, meditation, and worship during Lent, Holy Week, and the Easter season. All are welcome.
Stations of the Cross
During Lent on the Church Grounds and in the Nave
April 13 | Palm Sunday
Blessing of the Palms begins outdoors at the street sign
9 AM in the Parish Hall & 11:10 AM in the Nave
April 14 | Monday in Holy Week
Celtic Service | 7 PM in the Nave
April 15 | Tuesday in Holy Week
Celtic Service | 7 PM in the Nave
Compline | 8 PM Online only
April 16 | Wednesday in Holy Week
Noonday Prayer | Noon Online only
Celtic Service | 7 PM in the Nave
April 17 | Maundy Thursday
Parish Meal with Eucharist | Starts at 6:30 PM in Parish Hall, followed by Stripping of the Altar in the Nave. Sign up for the meal here.
Maundy Thursday Prayer Vigil | Begins at 9 PM in the Nave. Sign up here.
April 18 | Good Friday
Experience the Stations of the Cross: A Living Tableaux | 11 AM in the Parish Hall
Solemn Liturgy | Noon in the Nave
Community Stations of the Cross | Begins at 3:30 PM as in-person walk at Grace Lutheran Church
Meditations on the Crucifixion | 7 PM in the Nave, led by members of EfM at All Saints’
April 19 | Holy Saturday
Family Easter Vigil | 7 PM in the Parish Hall
Choral Easter Vigil, followed by Revels | Begins at 8:30 PM in the Columbarium
April 20 | Easter Sunday
Holy Eucharist, followed by Revels | 9 AM Parish Hall with Resurrection, St. Nicholas & Junior Choirs
Choral Holy Eucharist with Brass Duo, followed by Revels | 11:10 AM in the Nave
April 27 | Easter II
Holy Eucharist | 9 AM in the Parish Hall and 11:10 AM in the Nave
Easter Egg Hunt and Parish Celebration | 10 AM on the Church Grounds