Have you ever wondered what Diocesan Convention is like?
An invitation to consider being a Convention delegate
Have you ever wondered what Convention is like? Have you ever wanted to attend but weren’t sure what to expect? Last year, COVID-19 restrictions required ‘drive in’ attendance, votes by blowing horns, Communion wafers distributed to each car while Bishop Sam conducted the service. It was a different Convention to be sure! I was not a delegate but went anyway because my husband, Joe, was a delegate. He has been a delegate to both National and Diocesan Conventions in several Dioceses. I asked him to share with you what one can traditionally expect:
Becoming a Delegate to Convention allows you to increase your participation in and knowledge of The Episcopal Church. Delegates are asked to attend the Convention.
- As a delegate you can ask to serve on a committee of the convention which is called to discuss and review resolutions that are to be considered at the convention.
- As a delegate you sit with other members of All Saints’ and participate in the floor discussions and vote on resolutions.
Convention is preceded by convocational meetings. Convocations are regional areas into which the Diocese is divided. These meetings are designed to outline the issues and the proposed budget being considered at the Convention. Both Delegates and Alternates are encouraged to participate in this process.
Alternates are named in case a delegate cannot attend. They can participate in pre-convention activities and can sit with the parish delegation, if needed, due to the absence of a delegate.
Participation in the process will provide you with:
- greater knowledge of the operation of the Diocese,
- a chance to vote on the direction of the Church,
- an opportunity to meet new friends within the Church,
- a chance to serve in the ongoing ministries of the Diocese.
For me personally, attending Convention was an opportunity to listen to others on a range of issues that are presented in the resolutions at each convention. It was also an opportunity to just talk to other delegates about what their churches are doing. And, it is a great place to watch “palace intrigue,” if you will, as a bystander, looking in!
If YOU are interested in being a delegate or an alternate, please contact Fran Burkett.
-Nancy Hunter