Fun, Food, and Fellowship

Deadline for sign-ups is Monday, March 3

Fun, Food and Fellowship (formerly Foyer Group) is a program where three to four households meet monthly in each other’s homes for dinner and fellowship.  Each group will consist of six or eight adults (couples and singles) assigned to make up the group. These groups have dinner – or some have had brunches – once a month for three or four months at rotating homes or a venue of the group’s choice.

Typically, the host provides the entree and beverages and assigns the others an item to bring that completes the meal (hors d’ oeuvre, salad, vegetable, starch, dessert). After three to four months of meetings, those groups end and a sign-up is held to form new groups. There is no assigned agenda and the whole purpose of the group is to enjoy getting to know each other. 

When you sign up, you will have the option of choosing your time of day preference, when you can meet, and if you prefer a group of 6 or  8.

Give it a try – it’s a great way to get to know your fellow parishioners better!

The deadline to sign up is Monday, March 3.

If signing up as a couple, please list additional person here.