A message from The Rev. Nancy Cox, Rector
Dear Friends,
Since receiving a gracious offer from a parishioner concerned about how our mortgage payment limits our ability to grow in ministry, members of our parish have been working to plan a capital campaign for debt elimination/reduction.
The theme for the campaign is Set Free to Serve. This captures our hopes for what this campaign will make possible. Freed from spending 20% of our operating budget on mortgage payments, we will be able to serve the community in new and exciting ways. It is essential that we act now to take advantage of this opportunity.
Forty people have agreed to leadership roles in this campaign. Their passion for the mission of this church is inspiring; their energy and enthusiasm are electrifying. They know that God is doing amazing work through this church and they want to see it grow and flourish.
I believe All Saints’ has been given an extraordinary opportunity to make an eternal difference in this community and the wider world. The offer to match our gifts and pledges is a once in a generation opportunity to free up resources for mission and ministry.
I am thrilled to be part of this effort.