Building up the Body of Christ

“Therefore, encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.” -1 Thessalonians 5:11

In this verse, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of supporting and uplifting each other as fellow members of the Body of Christ. It means much more than compliments or affirmations; it entails aiding one another’s spiritual growth, maturity, and steadfastness in faith. It entails working together to make all our ministries possible.

I am truly grateful for the various ministries, groups, and programs in our Church that carry on the work that Paul called us to. All Saints’ is truly about all of us working together to uplift one another, encourage one another, and empower one another to minister to the needs of our Church community and our larger community. 

Our Youth Christian Formation ministry under the energetic servant leadership of Tiffany Fulton and her dedicated volunteers has not only increased the number of young people in our Church, but has also fostered a sense of family among our youth all while laying a solid foundation for them in the teachings of Christ.

Our Adult Formation programs have included challenging presentations by Chuck Collier, Rev. Nancy Cox, Rabbi Barbara Thiede, and others. Various book studies have stimulated critical thinking about theology, personal development social justice, and the meaning of following Jesus in the context of 21st-century living. Our Education for Ministry group (EfM) provides an opportunity for intensive study of theology and Scripture. The Men’s Group and the Young Women’s Group provide opportunities for fellowship, study and service.

Our worship experience is enhanced by the Choir of All Saints’, Resurrection Choir, Bells of All Saints’, Junior Choir, and the St. Nicholas Choir conducted by the talented Brian Sapp-Moore. Additionally, our Chalice Bearers, Lectors, Intercessors and Altar Guild reverently serve at Christ’s Altar making our services deeply spiritual and beautiful. Our friendly ushers offer hospitality to all who enter our doors. The service of Compline is brought to us each week through the work of committed members of our Parish. 

Pastoral needs of our community are lovingly met not only by the Clergy but by our caring and compassionate Pastoral Care Committee, Stephen Ministers, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and Stitches from the Saints who work to bring Christ’s caring presence to members of our Parish in need. Meals are made available to parishioners facing difficult life experiences that make cooking difficult. After services, Altar Flowers are delivered to Parishioners in need of cheer. Our ever-active Prayer Chain ensures that individual needs are brought to the attention of our Church’s “prayer warriors.”

The Parish Life committee works to nurture and strengthen our community by organizing events that bind us together encouraging dialogue and fellowship. The Newcomer’s committee welcomes and invites visitors to greater participation in the life of our Church. Older Wiser Laity (OWLs) gatherings offer senior parishioners an opportunity to learn about Church events, experience fellowship with one another, and pray for those in need. 

Online communications enable our services to be shared with people across our counties and the nation. The Weekly Word shares the news and needs with all of us in an attractive easy-to-read format. Our well-designed website keeps us up to date with Church news and events while allowing the larger community to learn more about our Church.

I am also so grateful for those who work on the “nuts and bolts” infrastructure of the Church, John Erickson and our building maintenance volunteers; Mark Robinson and our Creation Care team that beautify our grounds and teach us about our environment. And of course, I’m thankful for our Finance and Stewardship teams that work tirelessly to “keep the lights on.” 

To all who work so hard to build up this portion of the Body of Christ known as All Saints’ Concord, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Please accept my heartfelt apology if I have neglected to express my gratitude for the work of your ministry. My inexcusable omission in no way diminishes the positive impact your ministry has on the life of this congregation. Our outreach ministries will be mentioned in another article. 

“We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s  people.”         -Colossians 1:3-4.