Retirement or transformation

Recently I was reminded, “You don’t do retirement well!” It is true that my time following retirement from Cabarrus County Schools was some of the most productive of my life. It is also true that since I retired from active ministry, I find myself increasingly focused on “being” rather than “doing.” Lately, I have been wondering: is this the slipping away from the doing into being retirement, or is the the entry into a season of transformation?

In my garden, each year’s season is different, filled with beauty, disappointment, awe, growth, pruning, life, and death. The seasons of our lives are like that, too. I know mine are.  

As I enter a season of life, which I would describe as late autumn or early winter, I find a season where colors are muted, the birds sing a quieter song, and yet, the structure of life is much clearer. This is a season to be still in prayer, to meditate in the quiet, to listen to the sounds of nature and the soft voice of God, to observe the beautiful light of the early morning, to reflect on my journey, to praise and to give thanks. A season of love, joy, and gratitude. A season when my soul can be bare and vulnerable in quiet reflection. A beautiful time of prayer and stillness with God. I am grateful for the gift of time from our Triune God. 

All Saints’ has been an important part of my life since entering her doors in 1986. This community has loved, formed, and supported me on my journey through various seasons. Now, I am being called into a transformation of being; to be in the pew but not at the altar, to celebrate others coming forth to lead with new energy and ideas, and to pray for God’s continued work in community.  

I sure do not retire well! I continue to need your help to be rather than do. At the same time, I trust and walk in faith with our loving God in this season of transformation.


Questions for reflection:

What season of transformation do you find yourself in?

Where is God meeting you in this season of life?