Lenten Food Drive

Sundays, March 16 & 23

Please bring your shelf stable food donations with you to church.  All food goes to CCM’s food bank.

Lent is a season of spiritual contemplation and renewal and a time when we should be aware of neighbors who are food insecure.  We can help them by supporting Cooperative Christian Ministry’s food bank.  Every year CCM helps feed thousands of people in our community.

Please help by bringing shelf stable food to church with you on March 16 and March 23.   The food bank especially needs:

Canned vegetables, especially corn
Any kind of pasta
Canned fruit, other than pears

Oatmeal and breakfast items
Canned meat, other than tuna 

If you have any questions, please contact Gary Kovar or Don Foskey, who can be found in Realm.

You can also make monetary donations online by selecting “CCM Food Bank” in the drop-down menu after clicking the button below.

Or you can send a check payable to All Saints’ with “CCM Food Bank” on the memo line.