Parking Lot Construction Update

UPDATE: Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Paving began this week! The back parking lot is completed and open for use! We expect that the entrance and front parking lots will be CLOSED for paving on Thursday, May 16 and Friday, May 17.

Please check back for updates to determine if the front entrance will be available on Saturday, May 18 for various activities held at the church building. If not, please plan on using the back parking lot. 

The front parking lots should be open on Sunday, May 19, but remember we’ll be celebrating Pentecost with worship held at Village Park! We’ll meet at 10 AM at Village Park, 700 S. C Street, in Kannapolis. No worship services will be held at the church building on Sunday, May 19.

Please note: The above schedule is subject to change due to weather. Please watch for updates or call the church office during business hours.

This construction will be a major project involving church entrance improvements, driveway repairs, drainage work, and parking lot re-pavement. Based on the current construction schedule, we anticipate the work will take about seven (7) weeks. 

Construction activities will have an impact on how the church building may be used. At times, access to the church building and church parking lot will be significantly affected, especially during the work week. This means access for the Lockhart Child Development Center will be affected as well. LCDC parents and staff are receiving separate communications.

We hope to keep the impact to a minimum on Sundays, but suggest you plan your footwear for uneven and dusty surfaces. At present, Sunday services and activities will continue as usual. However, in late-April or early-May, we anticipate possibly needing to move our Sunday service to a remote location for a week or two. You will be informed of any changes well ahead of time. Please keep an eye on the Weekly Word and check the church website if you have any questions. 

We will all need to practice flexibility and patience during this construction project!

The construction schedule is subject to change on short notice; therefore, parishioners and groups who usually meet at All Saints’ may want to consider alternative locations for weekly gatherings and events from now through the end of May. If you want to continue to use All Saints’ as a meeting location or schedule a meeting at All Saints’ during this time, you will need to be adaptable. We will work to keep you updated via all church communication channels. If you have scheduling questions, please contact Stephanie Trosper, Church Administrator at [email protected].

Although this construction project will admittedly be disruptive, it is exciting to get it underway. Plans have been in the works since the successful “Set Free to Serve” capital campaign. After our building debt was paid off, three priorities were identified: completing deferred maintenance, renovating the Education Wing, and re-paving the parking lot. When this project is complete, so too, will the capital projects made possible by the Capital Campaign. If you have questions about the project, please contact Chuck Collier at [email protected].

Thank you for your cooperation and continued support of the ministry and outreach of your church.

Easter Blessings,
The Rev’d Nancy Cox, Rector
Martin Ericson, Senior Warden