2024 Advent/Christmas/Epiphany Schedule
December 21 | Service of Light | 7 PM
This introspective candlelight service holds up those for whom Christmas is not necessarily the happiest of times on the longest night of the year. Guest musician is harpist Christine Van Arsdale.
December 22 | Fourth Sunday of Advent
9 and 11:10 AM | Worship on the last Sunday of Advent. There will be an Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Cookie Sale before and after services. After the 11:10 AM service, you can be a part of the Hanging of the Greens and help decorate the church for Christmas, which will then be followed by the EYC Family Christmas Caroling.
December 24
Christmas Eve Family Service | 4 PM
All are welcome to this Holy Communion service, especially the little ones “lowing in the manger.” Children and youth shine at this service in a Christmas Tableau while readings of the nativity story are read and carols sung.
Nativity of our Lord | 5:30 PM
This Holy Communion Christmas Eve service is elevated by our favorite violinist, Vasily Gorkovoy, who will play throughout the service.
Nativity of our Lord | 9 PM
Starting at 9 PM, this festive Holy Communion Christmas Eve service begins with a programmed prelude filled with traditional Christmas organ, choral, and handbell music. The service concludes with Christmas Revels, a party to celebrate the season. Bring something to share!
December 25 | Christmas Day | 10 AM
This gentle service of Holy Communion continues the worship that begin the night prior, proclaiming the nativity of our Lord.
December 29 | The First Sunday after Christmas | 10 AM
The joy of Christmas continues at this Christmas Lessons and Carols Holy Communion service.
January 5 | The Second Sunday after Christmas
9 AM | Family Holy Eucharist
11:10 AM | Traditional Holy Eucharist
5:30 PM | The Epiphany is observed with a Chili Cook-Off joined by our brothers and sisters from Grace Lutheran, followed by a brief worship service, and the Burning of the Greens. Please bring along any of your live Christmas wreaths that you’d like to contribute to the fire!